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  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅧ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅧ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅧ PPT课件Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.Modern science has given clear evidence that smoking can lead ____________ many diseases.2.The physics problem remained ____________ (confuse) to the boy although explained over and over.3.Six days late

  • 《Music》SectionⅧ PPT课件

    《Music》SectionⅧ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《Music》SectionⅧ PPT课件Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Bears build up fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have enough ____________(能量)to last them through their winter sleep.2.They gain good reputation among Chinese for their learned knowledge and great care for ____

  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅦ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅦ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅦ PPT课件第一部分内容:介绍地点的说明文本单元的读写任务是先读一篇关于爱尔兰的文章后,再写一篇介绍地点的说明文。Ⅰ.Pre-writing(Ⅰ)Learning to write after the modelBEAUTIFUL IRELAND AND ITS TRADITIONS①Ireland’s beautiful countryside has always had a great influence on i

  • 《Music》SectionⅦ PPT课件

    《Music》SectionⅦ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《Music》SectionⅦ PPT课件第一部分内容:有关音乐对生活影响的演讲稿本单元的读写任务是读一篇关于音乐对生活影响的演讲稿后,写一篇同样话题的演讲稿。Ⅰ.Pre-writing(Ⅰ)Learning to write from the modelGood morning, my name is Sarah Williams, It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has

  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅥ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅥ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅥ PPT课件第一部分内容:课时基础过关Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1.He finally found a hotel at the corner of the street ____________(收费)60 dollars for a single room with bath.2.He formally ____________(宣布)on Thursday his intent

  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅡ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅡ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅡ PPT课件第一部分内容:课文语篇研读1.Discussing—Match the pictures with the proper introductions.(1)____ The queen—the head of state,but in name only.The most powerful one is the Prime Minister,who controls everything in t

  • 《Music》SectionⅤ PPT课件

    《Music》SectionⅤ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《Music》SectionⅤ PPT课件第一部分内容:听说一体突破1.Translate the following words and phrases.①set sth up __________________②equipment n. ________________③try out ____________________④talent n. __________________⑤piano n. ________________⑥assume vt. ____________

  • 《Music》SectionⅥ PPT课件

    《Music》SectionⅥ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《Music》SectionⅥ PPT课件第一部分内容:课时基础过关Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式1.As is known to all, education is a ____________ (渐进的) process.2.The survey conducted by the company shows there is a large increase in customer ____________ (满意) this year.3.As

  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅣ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅣ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅣ PPT课件过去分词作定语和宾语补足语语法整体突破一、过去分词作定语1.过去分词作定语时的意义通常及物动词的过去分词作定语强调被动、完成或只强调被动;不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表示完成。Her daughter brought up by me has begun to work.由我带大的她的那个女儿已经开始工作了。(及物动词短语;被动、完成)The wind swept the fallen leaves.风刮走了落叶。(不

  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅤ PPT课件第一部分内容:听说一题突破1.Translate the following words and phrases.①courtyard n. ____________②snack n. ____________③eager adj. ______________④a historic tourist destination ____________⑤have no idea ____________⑥disappoint

  • 《Music》SectionⅠPPT课件


    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《Music》SectionⅠPPT课件第一部分内容:主题语境——人与社会之文学、艺术与体育【语境概说】本单元的主题语境是“人与社会之文学、艺术与体育”中的音乐,该主题语境包括常见的中外著名的音乐作品及音乐家,同时也涉及到当今音乐的最新发展形式。学生学习和了解一定的音乐知识,不仅能够扩展视野,还能够提高他们的文化修养,有利于学生身心健康成长。Music is the medicine of a troubled mind.音乐是治疗心灵苦恼的药。T

  • 《History and Traditions》SectionⅢ PPT课件

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅢ PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2020-02-06

    《History and Traditions》SectionⅢ PPT课件第一部分内容:课时基础过关Ⅰ.单词语境记忆——根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1.If you wish for any further explanation, you had better apply in person to the ____________ (首领) of police.2.Is there life on Mars? It is still a ____________ (
