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  • 《Get a Good Education》Get ready for the future PPT下载

    《Get a Good Education》Get ready for the future PPT下载

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Get a Good Education》Get ready for the future PPT下载第一部分内容:教学目标掌握单词: mall, faint,agency,definitely等。能正确运用本课的重点短语及语法。了解更多关于宇航员的知识,认识到努力学习的重要性。New wordsmall n. 商场faint v. 昏倒agency n. 机关,代理机构definitely adv. 肯定 Get a Good EducationPPT,第二部分内容

  • 《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT下载

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT下载

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT下载第一部分内容:学习目标1.掌握重点单词和短语: wallet n. owner n. row v. senior adj.2. 掌握重点短语:Best wishes to sb.over our junior high school yearsget sth. back to one’s ownerrow boatshave great memories of our time togetherke

  • 《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件第一部分内容:Think About It1. What will you miss most about junior high school?2. What would you like to say to your best friend when you graduate? Best WishesPPT,第二部分内容:Objectives1. To learn what the st

  • 《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT

    《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT第一部分内容:New wordsbesides prep. 除……之外(还)weekday n. 工作日primary adj. 小学的;基本的asleep adj. 睡着的notebook n. 笔记本review n. 复习;回顾;评论 v. 回顾;反思;评论itself pron. 它本身(自己)New phraseson top of… 除&he

  • 《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT

    《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT第一部分内容:New wordsspeech n. 发言;演讲period n. 时期;一段时间;节;学时valuable adj. 宝贵的achieve v. 做成;获得behalf n. 代表(或代替)某人congratulation n. 祝贺;恭祝;贺词New phrasesgo by 流逝;过去fall down 摔倒;跌倒;失败pick yourself up

  • 《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT课件下载

    《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT课件下载

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT课件下载第一部分内容:词汇听写同学们,上一课学习的单词、短语和句型你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!课堂导入Answer the following questions:1.Do you still remember you school life as a middle school student?2.What will you say to your classmates

  • 《Keep Your Choices Open》Get ready for the future PPT

    《Keep Your Choices Open》Get ready for the future PPT

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Keep Your Choices Open》Get ready for the future PPT第一部分内容:New Wordmerchant n.商人Listen and tick the statements that are mentioned.Education keeps your choices open.When you grow up, you can be a merchant.Do well in school, and the decision will be yo

  • 《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT第一部分内容:New wordswallet n. 钱包owner n. 主人row v. 划(船)senior adj. 级别高的New phrasessenior high(school) 高中junior high(school) 初中 Best WishesPPT,第二部分内容:Main phrases:·senior high(school)&

  • 《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT课件

    《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT课件

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Ms.Liu's Speech》Get ready for the future PPT课件第一部分内容:0bjectsWe are about to practise the reading skills like skip reading and reading in details .We will learn the train of thoughts on reading in exams.We should also pay attention to the mistakes we

  • 《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件下载

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件下载

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Best Wishes》Get ready for the future PPT课件下载第一部分内容:课前自主预习单词闯关1.钱包 ________2.划(船) ________→(过去式/过去分词) ________3.owner ________4.senior ________短语互译1. 在将来 ____________2.保持联系 ____________3.高中 _______________4.have great memories of _______________

  • 《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT下载

    《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT下载

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《Manage Your Time》Get ready for the future PPT下载第一部分内容:Teaching aims1. Knowledge and skills(知识与技能)Read and use the key words and expressions: weekday, asleep, review, primary, notebook, itself, on top of, fall asleep2. Process and methods (过程与方法)利用教学

  • 《单元主题写作》Get ready for the future PPT

    《单元主题写作》Get ready for the future PPT

    栏目:英语课件 日期:2019-06-03

    《单元主题写作》Get ready for the future PPT第一部分内容:话题分析本单元的话题为讨论“未来”和“给予祝福”。初中生活马上要结束了,面对即将过去的初中生涯,面对朝夕相处的同窗好友,面对辛勤引导自己的良师,学生们心里一定有很多感慨;面对自己的未来,一定也有很多愿望和梦想。本单元要学会用英语表达出自己对初中生活的回顾和对将来的展望。典型例题初中三年的校园生活精彩纷呈。在老师、同学和家长的帮助下,通过你的努力,你在学习、生活、文
